
Gopal Das dismissed by Jharasuguda SP
Yesterday 30th January 2023, Jharsuguda SP Rahul Jain suspended ASI Gopal Krishna Das from service by exercising power vested under Article 311 of the constitution of India.

Naba Das shot by a police at Gandhi Chowk Brajarajnagar
Naba Das shot by a police at Gandhi Chowk Brajarajnagar while he was receiving by his supporters.

Six robberies detained in 6 hours
Six robberies are detained in 6 hours by Brajarajnagar Police, robbers looted machinery worth lakhs from Orient Paper Mill.
Nephew missing while uncle found dead in IB River, Brajrajnagar
On 08th of March, Sunday, Sandeep Mehta (54) had gone to IB River near OPM with his two nephews and one niece. They were bathing nearby the side of the temporary road made up of sand. Ketan jumped to the river for caching the bucket which was gone away from him. Unfortunately Ketan did not
Firing in Brajrajnagar
ବ୍ରଜରାଜନଗରରେ ମଙ୍ଗଳବାର ରାତି ସାଢ଼େ ୮ଟାରେ ପୁଣି ଥରେ ଗୁଳି ଫୁଟିଛି। ଏଥିରେ ମଣ୍ଟୁ ଘୋଷ(୩୦) ନାମରେ ଜଣେ ଯୁବକଙ୍କ ମୃତ୍ୟୁ ଘଟିଛି। ବ୍ରଜରାଜନଗର ମୁଖ୍ୟ ବଜାରରେ ଥିବା ଏକ ଜଳଖିଆ ଦୋକାନ ଲକ୍ଷ୍ମୀ କ୍ୟାବରେ ଏହି ଗୁଳିକାଣ୍ଡ ଘଟିଛି। ଜଳଖିଆ ଦୋକାନର କାଉଣ୍ଟରରେ ଛିଡ଼ା ହୋଇଥିବା ବେଳେ ଏହି ଗୁଳିକାଣ୍ଡ ଘଟିଥିବା କୁହାଯାଉଛି। ଦୁଇ ରାଉଣ୍ଡ ଗୁଳି ଚାଳନା ହୋଇଥିବା ଲୋକେ କହୁଥିବା ବେଳେ ଘଟଣାସ୍ଥଳରେ ଗୋଟିଏ ଖୋକା ପଡ଼ିଥିବା ଦେଖା ଯାଇଛି। ମଣ୍ଟୁର ମୁଣ୍ଡରେ
Couple arrested for torturing tribal maidservant
Police on Saturday raided the house of a couple at Belpahar, Jharsuguda to arrest them on charges of sexually harassing their tribal maid servant, who is a minor. The couple, however, managed to give police the slip. The accused, Mukul Singh, an employee of Belpahar-based TRL Krosaki Refractory Limited, and his wife, Archana, from Bihar,