High security registration plates on old vehicles: Odisha STA issues guidelines

The Odisha State Transport Authority (STA) on Friday issued guidelines regarding affixation of High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) with third registration mark on old vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019.
The rule 50 of Central Motor Vehicles (CMV), 1989 prescribes for fixation of HSRP on motor vehicles and subsequent notifications were issued by the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways following amendment of the rule in 2018 and 2020.
The Odisha government has now decided that:
- To check and control the substandard material, only original equipment manufacturer (OEM)/ authorized dealers of OEM will be allowed to fix the HSRP on the old vehicles.
- The manufacturer (OEM)/ authorized dealers of OEM shall ensure that only authorized and type approved HSRPs as mandated by the Government of India are affixed on old vehicles, which shall be verified by the transport officials, time to time.
- All OEM/ authorized dealers of OEMs will be allowed to fix HSRP on old vehicles of any make.
- Vehicle owners will be given at least three months time from the date of issue of this order to fix HSRP on old vehicles before enforcement is undertaken by the Transport officials/ police officials.
Timeline for affixing HSRP:
For all class of vehicles registered prior to April 1, 2019, the vehicle owners shall have to take necessary steps to get HSRP fixed on their vehicles as per the timeline given below:
- Vehicles carrying Odisha registration mark and registration number ending with 1 and 2: August 31, 2022
- Vehicles carrying Odisha registration mark and registration number ending with 3 and 4: September 30, 2022
- Vehicles carrying Odisha registration mark and registration number ending with 5 and 6: October 31, 2022
- Vehicles carrying Odisha registration mark and registration number ending with 7 and 8: November 30, 2022
- Vehicles carrying Odisha registration mark and registration number ending with 9 and 0: December 31, 2022
As per the STA notification, no e-challan shall be issued and no fine shall be collected or no penal action shall be taken against any old vehicle registered prior to April 1, 2019 for plying vehicles without HSRP till August 31,2022.
After that challans will be issued in accordance with timeline.
The vehicles carrying Odisha Registration mark and registration number ending with 1 and 2 will be liable for challan from September 2022 if they are fail to affix HSRP.
However, to avoid last minute rush, vehicle owners should be encouraged / sensitized to affix HSRP on their vehicles as soon as possible but not later than the above schedule.
In case the vehicle is not affixed with HSRP within the scheduled date mentioned above, e-challan shall be issued against the offending vehicle and attract fine of Rs. 5000 or Rs. 10.000 under Section 192 of M.V. Act. 1988 as the case may be, the notification added.
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