Daily Archives: August 29, 2012

Regional Level Consultation in Koraput

A two days Regional level Consultation on “the Implementation of Forest Rights Act, 2006” was organized by Bhumiadhikar Sangathan, Koraput  affiliated to the Campaign for Survival and Dignity (CSD), Odisha on 24th  and 25th August 2012 at the Tribal Museum Koraput. The consultation was inaugurated by  Mrs. Malati Nayak, the Sarpanch of the Ramgiri G.P

PIL seeks damage for train mishap victims

 Raising the issue of lack of railway safety in the backdrop of the death of 14 persons at an unmanned level-crossing at Khairapalli near Sambalpur last week, social activist and advocate Prabir Kumar Das on Tuesday filed a PIL in the Odisha High Court seeking at least Rs 10-lakh compensation to the family of each