Daily Archives: January 13, 2013

Odisha CHSE +2 exam schedule 2013
For the academic year 2011 – 2012, the +2 examinations will start from 1st of March to 30th of March, 2013 as per the notifications published by the Council of Higher Secondary Education, Odisha. All the theory papers will be completed within 23rd of March and practical papers will be completed between 22nd of March
Suicide attempted by student because of professor’s blackmailing
A student of 2nd year, agricultural science had attempted to suicide because of a professor named Dr. Promod Kumar Panda’s black mailing. According to sources dr. panda called her to his chamber and abused her. Dr. Panda threaten her to back in one paper, again she abused by the professor in the class room in
Again a woman abused publicly
District collector Pradeep Kumar Rath has courted trouble for allegedly misbehaving with a lady social worker in his office. Town police registered a case against him on the direction of Sambalpur SDJM for verbally abusing Pankajini Pradhan last month. “We are investigating the case. It will be decided later if the collector is to be